Bob and Bobék Orchestra
The band named “Bob és Bobék Orchestra” is experimenting with the modernization of singing poetry. During their performance, one can find out what makes poetry influence more that our intellect, what makes poems so emotional and how can poetry and music be brought under the same roof. Two slammers and two gifted musicians invite us to make a common journey in the universe of Sándor Petőfi. Their performance is an introduction to the iambic reggae, the pronounced rhythm of hip-hop, the traditional rhyme techniques and the basics of hexa-octosyllabic versification. During the pulzArt festival they will be performing on two occasions: the “Mi lárma ez megént?” liric concert inspired by the poems of Hungarian poet Petőfi Sándor can be seen in the Háromszék Dance Studio, “Ébredj fel itt és most, their spoken word evening presenting the band’s own poem will take place at the Tein Teahouse..
Kristóf Horváth ” Színész Bob ” (Actor Bob), slammer
Márton Eged, Bass
Dávid Szarvas, beatbox, percussion
Dévényi Zoltán, guitar, vocal
15 September, 18:00, Háromszék Dance Studio
16 September, 18:30, Tein Teahouse