Daniel Spoerri: Digesting the Past ‒ Eat Art and Object Art
The Daniel Spoerri exhibition, which shall be presented in the MAGMA Contemporary Art Space, focuses on Eat Art and cultural archaeology inherent in the creator’s object art, is the first one presenting the artist’s original artworks in Romania.
Daniel Spoerri (1930) started his artistic career as a ballet dancer, then he tried his luck in the world of the theatre and literature. Still, he became world famous in the field of fine arts, when at the age of thirty he created his first snare pictures (tableau-piège): the usual remains, after meals, of dirty dishes, empty glasses, ashtray and cigarette buds fixed on table, chair or other kind of support which, turned from their everyday, horizontal into vertical position, hang on the wall as pictures. Connecting the dining scene with fine arts did not stop there: at the beginning of the seventies Spoerri already figured in the Western European common consciousness as the notorious founder of the artistic trend called Eat Art. The exhibition will be opened on 13th September, on the first day of the festival, by the curator Gergely Ligetfalvi.
More info:
OPENING: by Gergely LIGETFALVI curator on 13 September 2018, 17h
VENUE: MAGMA Contemporary Art Space (P-ta Libertatii No. 2, Sfantu Gheorghe, jud. Covasna, Romania)
ON VIEW: 14.09. – 30.11.2018, every day except for Mondays and holidays, between 11-19h