Mapping Show
In the Year of the Image the building of the Székely Mikó high school will be the host of the first ever projection mapping show of Saint George, made by the Tone Troopers crew with the support of three visual artists – Szabó Beáta, Kusztos Dávid and Răduțu Daniel. The unique visual concept will receive an equally unique musical dimension, which serves not just as a soundtrack, but connects as a whole with the graphic material to provide a particular audiovisual experience. The show was preceded by two moths work which included the digital redrawing of the building facade, a drawing that serves as a base for the animation of the 650 m2 area.
In the previous years there were several attempts at 3D mapping, some during earlier editions of pulzArt Festival, but this year’s attempt will be the largest and most complex. The 5 minute long audiovisual creation will be viewable every evening of the festival from 9 PM to midnight, every hour, according to programme.
15-18 September, 21:00-00:05, Main Square