MárkusZínház (HU): The History of Aviation
“The Earth – is round!” (MárkusAirline)
“There is an art to flying, or rather a twist. The trick lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss. Obviously, it is this second part, which causes difficulties. Pick a nice day […], and try it.” – recommends us Douglas Adams, the author of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy novel series.
In its 60-minute non-verbal show entitled ‘The History of Aviation’, the independent puppet theatre ‘MárkusZínház’ from Pécs pays homage to all – either mythical or real – experimenters and inventors ever driven by the desire to fly. Once everyone is seated on board, the pilot lifts the aircraft, the atmoSphere is filled with music, and a speechless journey through time begins on stage – and above the audience – into a world beyond words.
“Every flight begins with a fall.” (George R. R. Martin) – wings grow during the flight.
* Recommended for ages 6 and over.
Time and location:
21. ► 17:00 // 19:30 ► Cimborák Puppet Theatre
22. ► 18:00 ► Tamási Áron Theatre, Kamara Hall