Faces of time in fortepan – Open Discussion with Zsuzsa Rakovszky, writer
Live colours, scenery, props, figures, stories and moments… due to her rare human knowledge, the simultaneous presentation of biasing truths, existence is drawn up in a so directly and personal voice, that we almost feel like: we see all this through our own window. Zsuzsa Rakovsky wipes our inner, long dusty glasses, in order to sense the world through infinitely large particles. “Existence is one interminable waiting at the end of the grey winter sky, along the rails from which no more trains are going to departure”. The Kossuth Prize-winning writer accurately depicts images, in her creative world, desires and attractions are presented as flare secrets, vital parts to each other. The writings of one of the founders of the Digital Literary Academy, received from the beginning general critical acclaims, her work of art being awarded with the most prestigious literary honours, as well as English and American scholarships.
15 September, 17:00, Bod Péter County Library – Gábor Áron Hall