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The protagonist of Ibsen’s ‘The Pillars of Society’ is Karsten Bernick, an important businessman of a small, coastal city, who’s figure is not only significant from a business perspective – his impeccable moral character also serves as a compass for the local society.

Ibsen’s play focuses on the nature of power. What is the price we are willing to pay for winning it – and for keeping it?

Bálint Botos studied acting in Târgu-Mureș and directing in Cluj-Napoca. He worked in the Anton Pann Theatre (Râmnicu Vâlcea), with an independent company called Váróterem Project (Cluj-Napoca) and at Figura Studio Theatre (Gheorgheni). Besides this he is a lecturer at Babeş–Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca, at the Faculty of Theatre and Television. The local audience has already had the opportunity to meet with the theatrical world of Botos in 2016 and in 2017 during the Saint George Days Festival when the performances ‘Our Forests Haven’t Been This Wild in Forever’ and ‘Zero’ were presented.

Karnsten Bernick: László Mátray
Mrs. Bernick: Ágnes Benedek
Olaf, Bernick’s son: Márton Szőcs-Torma
Ms. Bernick, Karsten’s sister: Zsuzsa Gajzágó
Johan Tönnesen, Mrs. Bernick’s brother: Zsolt Fekete Lovas
Lona Hessel: Mrs. Bernick’s half-blood sister: Hajnalka Szalma
Hilmar Tönnesen, Mrs. Bernick’s cousin: László Szakács
Dina Dorf: Zsuzsanna Vass
Rörlund, schoolmaster: Dezső Derzsi
Krap, Bernick’s secretary: Alfréd Nagy
Aune, foreman of Bernick’s shipbuilding yard: Levente Nemes
Rummel, merchant: József Kolcsár
Mrs. Rummel: Annamária D. Albu
Mrs. Lynge: Imola P. Magyarosi

Directed by: Bálint Botos
Set and costume designer: Blanka-Alíz Bajkó
Music: Magor Bocsárdi
Prompter: Szende Gazda
Stage manager: Zsóka Veress

* The performance is in Hungarian language.
** Duration of performance: 2 hours (with 1 interval)

Time and location: IX. 21. ► 19:00 ► Kamara Hall

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