Sugár János’ Time Patrol project, based on public participation, was one of the most interesting programmes of last year’s pulzArt. The audio recordings made during the project were translated into text, and appeared in the volume of the same title. The volume Time Patrol will be presented in a discussion by visual artist Bartha József, graphic artist Kusztos Attila and Kispál Ágnes-Evelin, founder of the MAGMA Contemporary Art Exhibition Space, on Saturday 16 September at 17:00 in the foyer of the Tamási Áron Theatre. 

What are passers-by thinking? What kind of thoughts are on the minds of ordinary people, and can they talk about them for ten minutes without interruption? Sugár János’ unusual project involved people whose voices we rarely hear.

At last year’s event, the Time Patrol recorded 59 stories from ordinary people in five different locations across the city. Over the five days 600 minutes were recorded, with participants speaking continuously for 10 minutes. Translated into text, some of the stories have been published in the Time Patrol newspaper, which will be available at the MAGMA Contemporary Art Exhibition Space.

The volume to be presented at pulzArt contains these personal stories, the recordings being verbatim transcribed into text. 

Date: Saturday, 16 September, 17:00
Location: foyer of the Tamási Áron Theatre