Hajnalka László is a graphic designer and artist whose work is characterized by cleanliness, compactness and minimalist solutions. In her works, she uses applied graphics, digital photo manipulations, photographs to express a simple and essential message. She deals with the visual possibilities of the transition between reality and fiction.
Her characteristic technique and motif-like, recurring pictorial elements with its photographic surrealistic way of speaking, make her works memorable. She moves on a relatively narrow colour scale. Black-and-white, sepia-like brownish tones dominate the images, which get flatteringly exciting by the floral details, vivid colours or the delicate creases.

She deals with body and face, space and time and puts different points of view on each other or next to each other, creating barely noticable connections with patterns. She takes a stand and forms an opinion about the world we live in as well as the things that surround us.
Eszter Túros: Ceci n’est pas …
Helikon, September 5, 2017

13 September,16:00 ► Tein Teahouse

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