Are you writing only for your drawer? Do you want to improve? Would you like to try something new? Then the Creative Writing Workshop is for you.

Horváth Benji is a writer, translator, slammer and songwriter, a Csiki László award-winning poet. He is the vocalist in the bands Beatwándor and Cancer Culture Collective. Author of five poetry collections. He has been writing for more than 20 years, has performed in several countries from Brussels to Cairo, and for the last 10 years he has been actively involved in talent management, helping and following the career development of several poets and slammers.

The workshop will give you tips on how to find, cleanse and release the thoughts that are swirling around inside you, how to turn them into text, but also what makes a poem, slam or prose work, how to perform a text more effectively and what’s wrong with clichés. And if you have some writings you’d like to get a professional opinion on, bring them along.

The workshop lasts four times 3 hours: four sessions over four days. It’s not compulsory, but it’s recommended that you come to each one.

► The activities are in Hungarian.
► Participants in the workshop must be at least 15 years old.
► Participation in the workshop costs 50 lei per person for 2 sessions and 100 lei for 4 sessions.
► Workshop dates: 
September 14th, 15th ► 4 pm – 7 pm
September 16th, 17th ► 12 pm – 3 pm
► Location: Szimpla (Saint George)
► Maximum number of participants: 10.
► You can register by filling in the following form:
► Deadline for registration: September 10th.