He is probably the Romanian writer, poet, blogger, translator … (and the list could go on) with the loudest echo. Born in 1978 in Ștefan Vodă, Republic of Moldova, and in 2010 he obtained the Romanian citizenship. He creates in Romanian, and translates literature from Russian. His name is not only associated with explicit books depicting the Eastern-European reality, or with the funding of magazines or organising literary projects – for example, he launched, together with his brother, Mihail Vakulovski, one of the first Romanian online cultural publications in Romanian entitled “Tiuk! (k-avem kef)” – but also with the fact that in 2009 he was expelled from Romania following the expiration of his visa and due to some administrative errors it was not extended. This incident triggered a wave of sympathy towards him within the Romanian cultural milieu. His books have a language that trigger harsh reactions from its readers, indignation even, however he always has more readers that critics.
It is for the first time that the public of Sfântu Gheorghe has the chance to meet in person the author of „Pizdeț” and „Letopizdeţ (Cactuşi albi pentru iubita mea – White cactuses for my beloved)”, who, according to many, paints one of the most accurate pictures of the Romanian reality.

Moderator: Adrian Lăcătuș writer and critic

18 September, 5 p.m., Hostel Beer Pub

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